Child Custody During the Coronavirus

The current Statewide, Wake County and Durham County “stay at home” orders may create some questions for parents regarding custodial time with their children.  The governor’s statewide “stay at home” order is in effect until April 30, 2020 and lists traveling between residences for custody exchanges or visitation as an “essential” activity.  Parents are advised to work together to create a plan in the event one of the parents or children becomes ill or needs to be quarantined.  Otherwise, parents should continue to follow their custody order or agreement with regard to custodial exchanges.  While North Carolina courts have not issued any rulings regarding the effect of the virus on custodial time, parents should adhere to recommended guidelines regarding social distancing and handwashing.  A parent should not use the other’s perceived failure to follow these guidelines as a basis to deny custodial time.  As always, parents should strive to keep their children’s best interest as the focus during this challenging time.  If you should need assistance with your custody order or agreement or have questions regarding your rights and responsibilities.

For further information on this topic contact Raleigh NC Child Custody Lawyers at